How to Make Homemade Deodorant with Beeswax [4 Easy Steps]

I love that I could be having the worst hair day, wearing a holey sweater with a fresh coffee spill, and have yesterday’s mascara generously smudged under my eyes, and yet my redeeming quality, without fail, is that I still smell INCREDIBLE.


Because I’ve become a mad scientist when it comes to making my own homemade deodorant. Once I got the hang of it, I had one in every handbag, an emergency stash in my car, and enough in the cupboard for each loved one’s next birthday gift.

How Beeswax Aids Natural Homemade Deodorant

While there are many tried and true ways to make your own natural homemade deodorant, the inclusion of beeswax is the common factor. With a quick glance at this miracle ingredient's health and skincare accolades, there's no mystery as to why.

Natural wax is a bee byproduct that soothes, moisturizes, and heals the skin. The naturally anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and hypoallergenic wax keeps irritation and odor at bay by creating a protective layer on the skin that guards against sweat and environmental stresses.

I spoke about this when I was reviewing my favorite natural deodorants but natural deodorant newbies need to brace for an acclimation process whereby the body detoxes from toxins (such as the aluminum you find in commercial, store-bought deodorants). While it's a bit of an awkward phase, it's manageable not to mention well worth switching over to natural ingredients that are good for you and our dear planet.

Natural Deodorant Recipe Ingredients

I couldn't help but notice that, when researching homemade deodorant methods, a lot of recipe ratings complained about the inclusion of baking soda. While the powder's texture can be annoying, it's essential for the odor-busting element of the recipe. I found that making sure to carefully stir in and combine my ingredients made for a smoother, grit-free consistency.

I've put together my go-to natural homemade deodorant recipe and left room for you to personalize it with your favorite scents through your choice of essential oils.

  • 1 Tbs of beeswax: I like to use beeswax pellets since we'll be combining our ingredients through a melting process. If you're using bigger pieces then you can grate the beeswax.
  • 3 Tbs coconut oil
  • 2 Tbs of hydrating butter/oil: I have used shea butter in my recipe but avocado oil can be used too
  • 1/4 cup of a thickening agent: cornstarch and arrowroot powder will work
  • 1/4 baking soda: the aluminum-free deodorizing kick
  • Lastly, an essential oil/essential oils of your choice- 5 drops should do it but you have free range to add until you have the desired pungency. I started off with single scents/oils until a little research led me to some wonderful essential oil combination ideas.
  • A double boiler
  • A storage device: you can use a jar or an empty deodorant roll-up container
Natural deodorant with beeswax

Before I get stuck into this natural deodorant recipe, I'd like to remind dear readers that essential oils are intended to create a wonderful scent but can also be used to boost mental and physical health. I suggest researching various oils and finding an oil/combination that will have you smelling as good as you feel!

4 step Natural Deodorant Recipe

Step #1

Turn your boiler onto a low setting and add the solid ingredients (beeswax, coconut oil, hydrating butter/oil, essential oil) to your pot. Be sure to stir occasionally and melt until well combined and the scent is heavily clouding the air.

N.B. When you add essential oils, do a drip test first. Some essential oils drip really quickly and you might end up adding 20 drops instead of two in the blink of an eye- been there, done that, smelt like a patchouli factory for two months straight.

Step #2

Remove from heat and stir in the remaining ingredient making sure to stir briskly until everything is completely melted. We're looking to have the cornstarch/arrowroot act as a thickening while the baking soda is evenly distributed to avoid a scratchy/powdery end result.

Step #3

Allow the mixture to cool but not for so long that it sets. Set a timer for fifteen minutes and then return to fill your storage device of choice with your new DIY deodorant.

Step #4

Keep the lid off and allow the mixture to set completely until it is solid (but still malleable) to the touch. Once it has completely cooled, you can add the lid, and voila: your homemade deodorant is ready for action.

Customizing Your Homemade Deodorant

One of the best things about making your own DIY deodorant is the ability to tailor it to your personal preferences and needs. Whether you're all about a specific scent or you're catering to sensitive skin, here's how you can make your homemade deodorant uniquely yours.

1. Scent-sational Choices: Pick Your Aroma

Your homemade deodorant doesn't have to be plain Jane – jazz it up with essential oils! Lavender for a calming touch, citrus for a zesty kick, or peppermint for a refreshing tingle – the options are endless. Experiment with different combinations until you find your signature scent. Remember, essential oils are potent, so start with a few drops and adjust as needed.

2. Skin Sensitivities: Gentle Alternatives

If you have sensitive skin, it's important to choose ingredients that are gentle yet effective. Swap out baking soda for more skin-friendly options like arrowroot powder or kaolin clay. These alternatives help absorb moisture without the potential irritation that baking soda can cause.

3. Vegan Variations: Beeswax Alternatives

Not keen on using beeswax? No problem! Plant-based waxes like candelilla or carnauba wax are excellent vegan substitutes. Keep in mind that they have different consistencies, so you might need to tweak the quantities to get the perfect texture.

4. Moisturizing Magic: Oil Options

Coconut oil is a staple in many homemade deodorant recipes, but it’s not the only player in the game. For a different feel, try shea butter for extra moisturization, or jojoba oil for a lighter touch. Each oil brings its own set of benefits and can change the feel of your deodorant.

5. Personalize with Powders

Cornstarch and arrowroot powder are great for absorbing moisture, but you can also explore other natural powders like rice bran or oat flour. These alternatives offer a unique feel and can be great for those looking for something a little different in their DIY deodorant.

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6. Strength and Sensitivity: Adjusting the Formula

Everyone’s body chemistry is different, so feel free to adjust the ratio of ingredients to suit your needs. Need more odor protection? Add a little extra baking soda or arrowroot powder. Want it creamier? Increase the oils or butters. The beauty of DIY is in the experimentation.

Absolutely! Here's a section focusing on the storage and usage of homemade deodorant:

Benefits of Going DIY with Your Deodorant

Embracing the DIY approach for your deodorant is more than just a fun project; it's a step towards healthier, more sustainable living. Let's dive into why making your own deodorant can be a game-changer for both you and the environment.

1. Natural Ingredients, Healthier Skin

Commercial deodorants are often packed with chemicals and artificial fragrances that can irritate sensitive skin and cause discomfort. DIY deodorant, on the other hand, uses natural ingredients that are gentler on your skin and free from harsh chemicals. This switch can lead to fewer skin irritations and allergies.

2. Eco-Friendly and Zero Waste

DIY deodorants contribute significantly to reducing plastic waste. By using reusable containers and natural ingredients, you're cutting down on single-use plastics and harmful manufacturing processes. This small change in your daily routine can have a big impact on your carbon footprint.

3. Customization Galore

When you make your own deodorant, you have complete control over the ingredients. Whether it's choosing a scent that you love or tweaking the formula to suit your skin type, DIY allows for a level of customization that store-bought deodorants can't match.

4. Cost-Effective in the Long Run

Initially, purchasing natural ingredients for your deodorant might seem like an investment, but over time, it's incredibly cost-effective. Homemade deodorant requires only a few inexpensive ingredients and a little goes a long way, making it a budget-friendly option in the long term.

5. Avoiding Harmful Chemicals

Many commercial deodorants contain aluminum and other compounds that have raised health concerns. By choosing to make your own, you steer clear of these potentially harmful ingredients, giving you peace of mind about what you're putting on your body.

6. Fun and Fulfilling

There's a unique satisfaction that comes with using a product you've made with your own hands. It's a fulfilling way to get creative, learn new skills, and take an active role in your personal care routine.

Going DIY with your deodorant is a small step with big benefits. Not only do you get to pamper your skin with natural, loving ingredients, but you also contribute to a healthier planet. It’s empowering to know that your daily choices can make a positive impact. Looking for more ways to embrace eco-friendly practices? Check out our tips for a zero-waste home. Remember, every sustainable choice, no matter how small, is a step towards a greener future.

Overcoming Challenges with Homemade Deodorant

While making and using your own deodorant is rewarding, it's not without its challenges. Here's how to navigate some common hurdles and make the most out of your DIY deodorant journey.

1. Adjusting to the Transition

Switching from commercial to homemade deodorant can come with a transition period. Your body may take time to adjust to the natural formula, especially if you're used to antiperspirants. Be patient and give your body a couple of weeks to acclimate.

2. Dealing with Texture Differences

Homemade deodorant might have a different texture than what you're used to. If it's too hard or too soft, adjust the proportions of beeswax and oils in your next batch. Finding the perfect consistency can take a little experimentation.

3. Managing Sweat

Remember, natural deodorants are not antiperspirants. They won't stop you from sweating (which is a natural detox process), but they can effectively combat odor. Embrace the natural process and reapply your deodorant as needed throughout the day.

4. Stain Prevention

Some DIY deodorants can leave marks on clothing. To prevent this, apply a thin layer and let it absorb before dressing. Using a non-greasy oil like jojoba or almond oil can also help reduce the chances of staining.

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5. Scent Longevity

The scent of homemade deodorant might not last as long as commercial products. To keep smelling fresh, carry a small container of your deodorant for reapplication or choose stronger essential oils for a longer-lasting fragrance.

6. Keeping the Formula Fresh

Without preservatives, homemade deodorant can lose its effectiveness over time. Make small batches to ensure you're always using a fresh product, and store it in a cool, dry place.

Creating and using homemade deodorant is a journey filled with learning and adaptation. It's a fantastic way to embrace a more natural lifestyle and reduce your environmental footprint. As you experiment and find what works best for you, remember that each challenge is an opportunity to grow and innovate. For more eco-friendly DIY ideas, check out how to clean and reuse household items. Keep exploring and enjoy the journey to a more sustainable and healthy lifestyle!

FAQ: Homemade Beeswax Deodorant Wonders

Can I substitute beeswax with another wax in this deodorant recipe?

While beeswax is preferred for its skin-soothing properties and the perfect consistency it gives to the deodorant, you can experiment with other natural waxes like carnauba or candelilla wax if you're vegan or allergic to beeswax. Just keep in mind that each wax has its own unique texture and melting point, so the final product might differ a bit.

Is homemade beeswax deodorant suitable for sensitive skin?

Absolutely! One of the joys of DIY deodorant is that it's generally kinder to sensitive skin, especially since beeswax is naturally hypoallergenic. However, always do a patch test first, especially if you're trying new essential oils.

How long does homemade beeswax deodorant last?

When stored in a cool, dry place, your homemade deodorant should stay fresh and effective for up to 3-6 months. Just remember, natural products don't have the preservatives found in commercial products, so keep an eye (or a nose!) out for any changes in smell or texture.

Can I use a different oil instead of coconut oil in this recipe?

Sure thing! Coconut oil is great for its antibacterial properties, but feel free to get creative. Almond, jojoba, or even olive oil can be good alternatives. Each oil has its own benefits and will slightly alter the texture and fragrance of your deodorant.

What are some essential oil blends you recommend for a pleasant scent?

The world of essential oils is your oyster! For a refreshing scent, try combining peppermint and eucalyptus. For something calming, lavender and chamomile are a dream team. Feeling adventurous? Mix bergamot, rosemary, and lemon for a unique twist!

Are there any downsides to using homemade deodorant?

Well, it's not always a walk in the park. Transitioning to natural deodorant can involve a detox period, and everyone's body chemistry is different, so it may take some time to find the perfect recipe for you. But don't let that discourage you - it's all part of the fun and eco-friendly journey!

Final Thoughts

Making my own deodorant has become a therapeutic practice that I look forward to. I love that you just need a few natural, simple ingredients, little prep time, and imagination when it comes to deodorant containers and there you have it, an odor-busting, planet-loving natural homemade deodorant.

Recipes like this can help you level up your zero-waste game and, fair warning, can become wildly addictive. DIY experiments don't always work - and everyone's body is different - but there's no harm in trying! If it isn't a wild success, at least you have my eco-friendly deodorant picks to fall back on.

While homemade deodorant is an excellent starting point, I encourage you to explore the wonderful world of tutorials and courses that can help you reduce waste, upskill, and create natural products tailored to your preferences from the comforts of your own home.

For example, you might enjoy my guide to creating a natural shampoo and conditioner.

Smell you later! (I did not just say that...)


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